Sunday, April 14, 2013


Waking Up

Lucky for me, I got to sleep late today. We got back from Aqaba the night before and afterwards I spent some time researching my next step (Turkey) as well as updating the blog. When I woke up around 10am I requested a late check out and went back to bed. Although today was a Sunday, it's actually the beginning of the week in most Arab World. Ibrahim had to work today, but he was to leave early to greet his brother at the airport. He'd pick me up beforehand and I'd meet his family at the airport. I wasn't exactly certain what the game plan was beyond the airport. Checkout of the hotel was at 12:30, Ibrahim said he would pick me up at 3:30pm. There wasn't a lot around the hotel, but the lobby was spacious and had WiFi giving me ample time to update my blog.

Short Amman Tour

About an hour before the scheduled pickup time, Ibrahim gave me a call to say he'd be at the hotel shortly. Ibrahim doesn't mess around - he's almost always on time or early. Since I had to check out, I was waiting for him in the lobby. After he picked me up he took me to get lunch. I settled for fast food because he wanted to give me a quick walking tour of downtown Amman. After about 30 minutes of walking around we head towards the airport. 

Me, downtown Amman

Amman Airport 

We arrived at Amman airport about an hour before Ibrahim's brother cleared customs. Starbucks has a very fancy location in the airport, so Ibrahim suggested I wait there. Right before ordering I realized I left my wallet in my coat, both of which were in the car. D'oh! There would be no coffee, but the staff didn't mind my loitering. The airport offered free WiFi and the area was very comfortable. What's very nice is that smoking is forbidden around every Starbucks I've been in the Middle East. After about 40 minutes Ibrahim called me saying it would be a bit longer before we'd be ready to go. I was relaxing and enjoying myself, so the wait didn't bother me at all. About 30 minutes after the initial call Ibrahim called and said we were ready to go. Ibrahim introduced me to his mother, two of his brothers, and multiple nieces and nephews. Ibrahim's brother that was arriving is a pediatrician. Ibrahim's brother and family have been living in Florida for the past year as he received continuing education. This cycle repeats every 5-10 years to ensure his skills are current. The family a lot of luggage so we helped cart it off to the various cars the family members drove to the airport. I thought the welcome celebration at the airport was rather classy and the sign of a very close family. After his brother arrived, Ibrahim's niece (14) and two nephews (10 and I think 6) road with us to the mall. We walked around, giving me an idea of what a Jordanian shopping mall is like, and got dinner at McDonalds. The kids were super excited.

Amman Airport - 1 month old!

Jordanian Airline's flight attendants reminded me of Pan Am...only red 

Fruit stands and other merchants line up the highway


After about an hour drive from Amman we were in Irbid. We dropped the kids off and head to the home of a friend of Ibrahim. Ibrahim mentioned this particular friend/cousin is a distance cousin of his. Since Ibrahim had to work the next day, he wanted to ensure someone was around to act as my tour guide. The building we stopped at looked like a large stone apartment building. Each floor is an individual unit -  the floors are enormous. The halls within the unit are very wide. The living room we entered had two parts - each part with it's own sectional couch. One part surrounded a television which is where we conversed.

When we arrived, Ibrahim introduced me to two guys in their mid 20s. One of the two  asked what sort of beverage I would like to drink and disappeared. Much like in Egypt, whenever a guest arrives a drink is offered as a form of hospitality. Ibrahim was not asked what he would like to drink. When I asked him why, he mentioned it was assumed he would have what I'm having. Throughout the trip I've noticed Ibrahim to order the exact same thing I have ordered, so I wonder if this applies to food as well. After about 30 minutes of conversation Ibrahim and I leave for the downtown area of the city.

Irbid is a pretty big college town. The main streets are lined with shops. Ibrahim mentioned Irbid holds the Guiness World Record for most cyber cafes on a street. The area is extremely lively and vibrant. Even with all the smoke, Irbid is one cool city.

Checking In

Ibrahim lives in Irbid, Jordan's third largest city. Irbid is about 40 miles north of Jordan. Shortly after arriving in Irbid, Ibrahim took me a hotel. Ibrahim had a friend at the hotel who could get me a special rate, so we waited in the restaurant for the friend. The special rate was special indeed, only 25 JD ($35 USD).  I had coffee while Ibrahim smoked shisha (hookah), a form of flavored tobacco. For some reason tobacco smoked through a water pipe does not bother me in the least. Some forms of shisha actually have a pleasant smell. I had no desire to take part because I personally despise tobacco in all its forms. At least a dozen friends I've made on the trip have been adamant I try it, but I have not. I'll usually correlated my contempt for tobacco to Islam's disdain of alcohol -  this has worked every time to date.

Outside hotel


Main street - Cyber Cafe World Capital

Ibrahim's two friends were to pick me up from the hotel early, around 8am. After realizing the hotel is in a very social part of town I send one of the guys a text requesting to start later at 10am. I don't heac back.

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