Monday, April 8, 2013

Formula Rossa

Waking Up

I woke up early today, around 7am, to have breakfast with Amit before he left for work. After he left I swung by his parents to say goodbye. Shortly thereafter I took a nap for a couple of hours and than was off to Marina Mall before heading to Ferrari World. The reality of the passing of my friend the night before was starting to settle in. I'm very glad it's normal to wear sunglasses everywhere in these parts, as they'd serve more than one purpose today.

Emirates Palace

On the way to Marina Mall I saw signs for Emirates Palace,  reminding me it was just further down the same road. I decided to swing by and tour Emirates Palace before visiting the mall. The Emirates Palace is a hotel owned by the government of Abu Dhabi. Additionally, Abu Dhabi is the capital of the UAE. While the hotel is open to the public, it's also used to host official government events and guests. When it was built it was the most expensive hotel in the world - to date it's the second most hotel ever constructed. The hotel cost almost 6 billion US and many of the suites are decked out in gold. Had the hotel not been government sponsored, I seriously wonder if it could be profitable. What's nice is the hotel is very tourist friendly. Parking is free and the grounds are easily accessible by tourists not staying at the hotel. I checked the times for tours and the next one was at 4pm - if I was to make it to Ferrari World hanging around for the tour wouldn't be an option. I did walk around the site for an hour or so taking in the absolutely beautiful grounds.

Emirates Palace

Me outside the entrance

Dome inside the hotel

Booming construction outside the palace

Marina Mall

After finishing up at the Palace, I head over the Marina Mall. I wanted to grab some coffee and  lunch. Ferrari World closed at 8pm, so as long as I got half a day there I'd be happy. Finding a parking spot was difficult in the lot I turned into. After I found a spot I cut diagonally towards the entrance. I really wasn't paying attention and was more or less sulking. I can't remember everything that happened thereafter, but I was about half way across the parking aisle when I heard first and than felt a thump. It felt like someone came running at me and hit me from the side. I didn't hit the ground - I think I hit the side of his car and caught the passenger side mirror. The car stopped and a man came out screaming "oh my god, I didn't see you". He immediately asked if I was okay and started calling the police. I was in shock and went to the curb to sit down. He kept apologizing and admitting fault. I could see in his face how distressed he was. I told him I thought I was going to be okay - I just wanted to check my backpack to confirm my camera, iPad, and MacBook Air were fine. I was in pain, but it wasn't severe. It felt as if I slipped on ice and fell sharply on my hip. The big thing was I didn't hit my head, I didn't fall on my hands, and my hands and feet were mostly fine. The electronics I checked out were all fine. I didn't check my Kindle (it was hiding in my bag) and now that isn't working right...d'oh! Anyhow, I suggested we go into the mall just so I could confirm a bone wasn't sticking out of my side. The man went to park his car. After loosing track of where he was I figured I'd just head into the mall. As I went in he came running after me - "hey, hey, wait up" he screamed. I guess I did read him well, he had a chance to make a clean break and he didn't. I went to the restroom while he waited outside, confirmed I was banged up, but it all looked like it would be fine. I told the man I would probably be okay and he insisted on giving me his business card. "Call me if anything changes - I will take you to the hospital. I did this and I am at fault", he insisted. We chatted a bit - he's from Jordan and he was visiting his brother. Getting hit by the car would serve as a wake up call - I had to pull my head out of the clouds and move on.

I had yet to book hotel accommodations for my stay that night in Dubai, so I head to the Starbucks in the mall to find lodging  I spent about an hour searching for a place, than another hour updating my blog. Afterwards, I started to get hungry and recalled seeing a Fuddruckers - a burger sounded great. This week was turning into a red meat binge week. In hindsight, I should have eaten at Shake Shack, that place is really fantastic.The Fuddruckers in the UAE wasn't very good.

Ferrari World

Ferrari World is normally closed on Mondays, but since it was spring break the park was open. I was pretty sore from getting hit, but I pushed myself to continue on. I figured the bruising might get worse later on, making it impossible to do the coaster if I waited. I quickly found parking and went into the park. The park was empty. There are displays throughout the park displaying attraction wait times - all were under 5 minutes.

Inside Ferrari World - Abu Dhabi

Entrance to the park

The main attraction at the park is Formula Rossa, the fastest roller coaster in the world. Once I got to the ride, two employees outside the entrance informed me the ride was closed! After more talking I would find out it's simply a scheduled maintenance window and it will be up and running in about 15 minutes. So I head out to explore the park and find another attraction. Outside the ride entrance is a display with a trophy - a photo stop.  A couple of Ukrainians asked if I could take their picture. After taking the pic I asked them to return the favor. Incidentally, what I know about the Ukraine can be summarized in this Seinfeld clip. One of the Ukrainians started with small talk. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone so I cut it short and started walking through the maze that is the park looking for another ride. I walked into the first ride entrance I saw, only to realize it was a water ride. They had storage lockers so I was fine getting a little wet knowing the coaster would dry me off. The water ride is designed to appear as if the rider is inside a Ferrari engine - it's cheesy. While in the short line I noticed the Ukrainians were also in line. We ended up talking a little bit more before boarding the ride. 

Me and a stupid trophy

After I finished the water ride, which was like a lite version of the boat ride at Six Flags, it was time for Formula Rossa. Although they had already ridden the Formula Rosa, the Ukrainians followed along. We started the line together, but than I realized there was a separate line for the front car. I bid farewell and jumped into the other line - riding front car is important to me. There wasn't much of a line and the Ukrainians boarded several cycles before I went. They cycle off the ride, but the one Ukrainian comes back to chat more. Since I was alone I offered them my companion seat. I figured since I was at the front she could jump the line. Nope, they insisted that the 2 groups of people go in front of me.

Me and one of the Ukrainians 

A Ukrainian, agreeing that I am indeed very handsome

After the ride we met up with the friend and chatted more. The friend said she spoke little English, but every now and than she'd chime in. I think she spoke English more than she was letting on. At first I though the one who road with me simply wanted to practice her English skills, but now I didn't know what their intentions were. I was convinced they were either spies or prostitutes. In America, you can joke with a girl about being a spy...but not about being a prostitute. I assumed the same social rule would hold true in the UAE. I was still dubious, but also curious. After sitting down the one said they were off to see the Sheikh Zayed Mosque - something I saw a few days earlier. She asked if I would come along - they were taking a bus. I just got to the park and had more to see, so I was out. When it comes to record setting roller coasters or making friends, I've got priorities. We check visitation times and there's an hour visitation beginning at 8:30pm. The park closed at 8pm and the mosque is about 30 minutes away, so it would have worked. I wouldn't mind getting some photos at night of the Mosque and had no evening plans - so it was fine with me. The one who waited for me liked the idea, the other started mumbling about being tired. No big deal, I suggest, and bid them farewell. I swap information with the one who waited for me at the coaster.

Over the next hour or so I'd end up riding the Formula Rosa five times total, all in the front car. I had the chance to ride the Formula Rosa in daylight and in the dark at night - both experiences were different and awesome. I left the ride minutes before closing to ride the one other coaster in the park.  I really didn't expect the staff to let me on. Instead of turning me away, they said something like ' and last rider of the night is...' as I walked in. Unlike the Formula Rosa, which I'd learn requires at least 10 people on it to run, I rode this coaster alone. I figured I'd give the staff a show and was super excited throughout the ride. It wasn't anything special - the coaster car is a race car that's supposed to be crusing down a race track. There are two sets of cars setup so it appears both sets of cars are racing each other. The ride was entirely empty except for me - a first. It was kinda eerie riding a roller coaster alone at night. When I got off the ride the attendant was cracking up. "We didn't expect all that energy from you", he said. "We really should thank you for being so excited". I let him know I didn't expect them to let me on since I cut it so close. We chatted a bit more - I told them I was hooked on the Formula Rosa and wanted to at least try the other coaster. 

Me on the coaster ride

Yas Hotel 

Ferrari World is on a man made island called Yas Island. Both Amit and a friend in Cyprus suggested I visit the island and it was one of the first places in Abu Dhabi I toured. When I originally toured I was intrigued by a birds nest looking structure in the distance. I had asked a security guard about it, but he said it was off limits to the public - he must have thought I was pointing to something else. I'd learn through Amit the structure was a hotel, it's actually where he had his wedding reception. Anyhow, I wanted to grab some pictures and left Ferrari World for the hotel. I pulled in front of the hotel and asked valet if I could double park for an hour - "no problem". That's a reoccurring theme out here - everyone is so incredibly helpful.  I walked around an got some pictures and was off to Dubai. It was probably around 9:30pm at this point and the drive to Dubai would take about 90 minutes.

Yas Viceroy

Finding the Hotel

I had booked the hotel through using Kayak. The instructions to the hotel indicated it was 'near' a main road so I used that street with the GPS. Once I'd get on the street I'd struggle to find the hotel. I spent about 45 minutes looking and finally gave up and called I was irritated, but the call center person was very helpful. She agreed the address was incomplete - but she had GPS coordinates and helped navigate me to the hotel. After about 10 minutes I was there. After checking in and dumping my stuff, I figured I'd check out the nightlife in the area. Dubai is not dry, but bars are limited to 3-4 star hotels. There were a couple of decently rated bars a short walk so I figured I'd check them out. I started with an Irish pub, but it was empty and full of smoke. I went to another pub in the same hotel up one floor - it had more people but still pretty quiet. On the way down in the elevator I chatted with two Indian guys heading out. I ended up tagging along with them to a bar in the next building over - they were going to hear some live music.

Jornand Hotel - my 2.5 star home for 3 nights


Small kitchen with washing machine

A Night in Dubai

The live band at the venue was playing cover songs by request. They were actually very, very good. They did a version of the Cranberries song Zombie and were indistinguishable from the original artist. Arun insisted on picking up the first round, so I had to stay until my turn came up. At about $10/pint, beer in Dubai is expensive and I did not care to be a freeloader. Both Raul and Arun are from New Dehli but have traveled around the world. Raul is into consulting and Arun works at Sony Music. He works in the promotion field and shows artists around when they do concerts in Dubai. He had a lot of stories and photos to share. I head out around 2am. While at the bar I dropped the Ukrainian a quick email and asked how the time was at the Mosque. She wrote back almost immediately and asked what I was up to the next day - they had a couple of ideas and I had nothing definitive planned. We set tentative plans to chat in the morning.

Raul, Arun, and me


  1. I see a Ukrainian wedding in the future...

  2. That line " We set tentative plans to chat in the morning. "... Could be a long term plan in the making...

