Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ascension Day

Waking Up

We got started a little later than we wanted. After some discussion about how much beer we should pack (3 bottles each), we made our way via car to the train station.  While in line to purchase tickets I picked up a few chocolate bars and we waited for the train. About a dozen guys were part of our group and had already begun drinking their beer. Rain was predicted for the day. Although there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I brought my rain coat just in case.

All Aboard

The train arrived after about 10 minutes of waiting. Beforehand Tobi introduced to me to the group. Tobi was invited into the group by means of a friend who was ill, so he didn't know most of the guys very well. At our train stop a number of other groups began to form. All were groups of guys with backpacks, disposable grills, and beer. There were a couple of random Asian tourist couples that were on the train, but other than that the entire train was filled with guys drinking. The train was to take us up the mountain and we would take a 6-7 kilometer hike down. The train ride took about 30-45 minutes. The train stopped 3 or 4 times and picked up more and more guys. So far the weather was great! As we were heading up the hill I overheard the guys next to me talking. I heard the one talking about Peoria and figured he was referring to a local area, but than he mentioned Joliet. I figured he had to be a Caterpillar employee (Caterpillar has major facilities in both locations) and confirmed. Small world, he actually lived in Joliet (my hometown) for 6 months during a work rotation and was one of the locals.

Steam Train, Tobi and me

The Hike

There were a number of different trails we could, so as the train unloaded the various groups went different ways. The trail was paved most of the way and very scenic. The hike was mostly downhill and steep at times.

Hiking we go!

Good Times!


After a couple of hours of hiking we decide to setup camp at a scenic passing before a dam crossing. For the most part the weather couldn't have been better, but we did see a few clouds in the distance. While everyone had their own grills, everyone shared what they had...even beer. A few of the guys spoke English very well, but the others did not. We found other ways to communicate. The group was great and it was fun to spend time observing and taking part in the tradition.  After we finished grilling and eating we crossed over the dam. Right when we crossed it started to rain lightly, shortly thereafter it started to pour. We kept walking hiking though - I was extremely happy I brought my rain jacket. Sometime during the hike one of the guys picks up a lizard with bright yellow spots. I've seen documentaries on frogs and I know bright colors are usually a sign of toxicity. He hands the lizard to me, insisting it's not toxic. I let the thing crawl around my hand and eventually hand it back. I was right, the thing was toxic.

Tobi lighting up the grill

Others getting their grills up and running

Setting up camp

Crossing the dam
Fire salamander


Drinks Afterwards

After we made our way down the mountain we stopped at a local restaurant for a couple of hours. The place was packed. After that we made our way back to the town square were most of the other locals met up with their families. Local students I'm told were studying hunting and part of a club did some sort of presentation while music played. There were many merchants selling beer and food - I had several bratwurst that were absolutely fantastic. Everyone had a great time and we spent several more hours in town relaxing. The town was buzzing around a recent celebrity citing. A few celebrities are in town filming a movie and the trio came into the village center to celebrate one's 52nd birthday. Everyone in town was aware of the filming, but they were still excited to see the celebrities out on the town.

Town Square

New friends and old

A packed small town


The next night Tobi would leave for the US. He had a wedding to attend and had planned some sightseeing to do afterwards. The plan was for me to head to Berlin and spend a few days in the capital of Germany before leaving. The rental car was originally due Wednesday, but I was able to extent it at little cost for a full 2 weeks.

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