Sunday, April 7, 2013

Waking up in the desert

Waking Up

Although I was determined to make the best of the experience, the sleeping conditions were absolutely miserable. Instead of sleeping in a tent in the middle of a desert, we were sleeping in a storage shed with an open door. A tent allows a breeze to come through and screens out flies. Our shed had an open door that allowed flies in, yet no breeze. I was damp, warm, and felt disgusting. That said, the novelty of the situation made the entire experience neat to some degree. I think it was around 6ish when I noticed some of the others go outside with their cameras. The sun had risen a bit, but the sky had absolutely no color. The sun actually looked like the moon.

Sun in the desert

Breakfast at Camp

After hiking around some of the dunes and taking a few photos it was time for breakfast. I wasn't expecting much, which was a good thing. The offering was some kind of sausage, fruit drink, and bread. I had some fruit drink and bread. Shortly thereafter, a driver came and I would be off to the office. The driver would only take me and the Asian couple - the rest would be left for a different driver. Only Sarah was around, so I said goodbye. 


Sausage-like meat

Leaving Camp

Since we had been in the car for several hours throughout the Safari I figured the drive back would take at least an hour. It only took about 20 minutes. The drive back was interesting - the strong rains created mush throughout the desert that we would drive through. There was also flooding throughout the roads. The driver did not spend the night at camp - he told me they called for him the night earlier and he was the one who showed up to take us back to our non-existent hotels. He was with his wife and child and he had to take them back home because he didn't think it was safe for them to join him. He said the weather we experienced was a once in ten year storm. Amit would tell me it's even less frequent - he said he's never seen anything like it before.

Tragic News

After getting back to the office and getting in the car I sent Amit a text to see if anyone was home to let me in. Abu Dhabi was about a 90 minute drive, so I figured I'd head in that direction and kill time if necessary. I had desperately wanted to shower though. Afer texting Amit I checked my email on my iPhone.  I'm not sure why I didn't check it when I woke up...yes, it's a compulsive habit. I got an email from a good friend asking if there's a number he can reach me at, "It's important". I reply saying my local number works. Having a 3g connection, the Talkatone iPhone app, and Google Voice allows me to get calls anywhere for the cost of the 3g service. It's a completely brilliant setup. This particular friend isn't unnecessarily dramatic, so I knew it was one of two things. This particular friend is a pilot and he has keys to my plane. If the call pertained to the plane it likely was just physical damage. The plane is insured, so it'd be out of service a couple of months. Not really a big deal. The other possibility in my head involved a close mutual friend to us both. There's a lot here I need to leave out, so apologies for the necessary ambiguity. Within a minute the phone rang - such little time had gone by (less than a minute) I actually wondered who was calling.  "The good news is the plane is okay", my friend says. Once I comprehended the plane was fine, which was exactly what I didn't want to hear, I didn't need to hear anything more. He continued on to say the friend had passed away. "I didn't want you to find out by facebook.", he said.  

//Begin Rant
When someone in the military is killed the military issues a communication blackout severing internet and phone for soldiers. These blackouts can last several days. The purpose is to allow the army to notify next of kin and than allow them to spread the news on in decent manner. I wish everyone who used facebook had the (insert offensive expletive) common sense and decency to abide by this norm. I understand people want to pay their respects, but use some (insert offensive expletive) common sense.

//End Rant

I offered to come back and he insisted otherwise. I still would check airfare, but coming back in time for the services logistically was not possible. The earliest, at any cost, I could come back would be Tuesday.  I was numb to some degree and really didn't feel anything. Shortly after I called my mom to tell her what happened. This particular friend adored my mom. They were more than just facebook friends. I took my mom out for her birthday this past year in the city and this particular friend insisted on joining along. My mom was in disbelief as well. She went on facebook and was in shock over all the activity on the friend's profile. We chat a bit and my mom offers to send flowers and attend services for me. I hadn't really emotionally interpreted anything at this point - everything was reactionary...almost like I was a robot.

Returning to Abu Dhabi

Ferrari world is home to the Formula Rossa, the fastest roller coaster in the world. Since I enjoyed spending time with Amit's family, I had planned to spend one last night in Abu Dhabi after the overnight Safari to visit with them and go to Ferrari World the following day. Amit had written me and said the housekeeper (Eugene) was at home and could let me in. "Leave some sand in the desert for the camels", he requested. Once I got there I took a shower and Eugene offered to do my laundry. By the time I was done with the shower Amit, Khamsay, Shaan, and lunch were ready and waiting for me. Did I mention this family is awesome?

Wandering a Mall

Dubai Mall

After lunch Amit had to return to work and Shaan had a play-date. I had yet to check out Abu Dhabi's Marina Mall so I ventured that way. Emirates Palace was near the Marina Mall and I figured I'd walk around the property outside as well.  We had been there several nights before, but that was at night without taking in the outside. I started with the mall. The tragic news was slowly settling in and I was wondering the mall like a zombie. The malls here are ridiculous, so I was curious what the cinema was like. A movie would take my mind off things. The original Jurassic Park had been released in 3D - that sounded good. It wasn't in a premier theater (only a single film is), but it could give me an idea of the theater experience. The theater has assigned seats with two categories of seating. A small premium of about $2 USD is paid for the best seats in the theater - those seats are actually a little larger with leather padding (they do not recline though).

Upscale retailers like Valentino, Chanel, Fendi, etc. all have shops in the mall

The mall has a Mercedes dealership

An ice skating rink - remember that this is a desert

Movie Theaters in the UAE

With my 3D glasses, popcorn, and diet coke in hand, I was looking forward to seeing what the theater was like. I remember watching the original Jurassic Park at the theater almost 20 years earlier. The screen wasn't that large, but the chair was comfortable. However, throughout the movie a cell phone would go off at least every ten minutes. People who literally have conversations lasting a few minutes without thinking twice. Amit would later tell me it's spring break and children are out of school for 2 weeks, but these were adults without children. To Amit's point there were a bunch of kids being very loud on the other side of the theater. An usher would come in a couple of times throughout the movie to quiet them down, but the behavior of adults is what I would be most troubled by. Amit would later confirm my movie-going experience in the UAE was not a one-off and rather normal. I stepped in the theater right at the movie began, so I'm not sure if a 'turn off your cell phone' advisory was shown before the movie began. The UAE can build the best and fanciest theaters in the world - but the experience is ruined if the theaters are filled with people who can't keep quiet.

More Shopping

A day or so earlier I had asked Amit if there was anything I could do to help out the family. He said no, they have more than enough help. After talking I found out he was looking for a PC for his dad. He wanted an all-in-one machine, so I offered to help. It's actually something I would enjoy doing. One thing to note is that shopping in the UAE is very different than the states. Amit lets me know we'd be limited to the retail selection offered - online shopping isn't so big out here. Making the task a bit easy is the fact that the malls in the UAE contain all sorts of stores. Although I have yet to see a Target or Best Buy in the UAE, the equivalent type of stores exist and have locations in the malls. The malls are open very late, too - well after 10pm on most days. I'd wander from electronics store to electronics store snapping pics of the all-in-one desktop machines to research later.

Since Amit and family had been so nice to me, I wanted to get them a small thank you gift. I called Amit asking what I could get his parents. Since I had a beer with Amit and his dad when I arrived, I knew alcohol would be okay. I figured a nice bottle of scotch or whiskey would do for both Amit and his parents. I called Amit to find out his dad's drink of choice and he would give me bad news. Buying liquor in the UAE is regulated and requires a license to purchase. Also, they limit how much you can buy. So purchasing liquor would be difficult. Chocolate wouldn't work either. I see Bath and Body works, so a candle comes to mind. I find out that Bath and Body works no longer sells them. I'm directed to Carrefour, a Target like retailer. For the most part the selection of candles sucked, but I found something adequate. I picked up some gift cards and stationary as well.

One other thing I love about the UAE is parking. Parking at the malls is basically free. They do charge you if you're there for more than 4 hours during  the week, but that's a long time. Plus, the mall is right on fancy metro transit line.

I returned back to the apartment around 10pm. Amit was up, but the rest were asleep. We caught up on things for a couple of hours  and I was off to bed.


I'd leave Abu Dhabi tomorrow morning for Dubai. Although technically in Abu Dhabi, Ferrari World was on the way to Dubai.

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